Receive your payments online with a single plugin, from anywhere in the world
A unique plugin available in most e-commerce technologies to be integrated in less than an hour on your platform to allow your customers to pay by Mobile Money and debit or credit cards.
Payment methods accepted
How Kkiapay Integration works ?
Retrieve your API and install the plugin on your platform

The customer pays by Mobile Money and debit or credit cards on your platform
Kkiapay sends money to your current account
A simple API for developers
We provide you with a ready-to-use Rest API for websites and mobile applications.
Browse documentation
// Recupérez votre clé api sur https://app.kkiapay.me/dashboard
<script src="https://cdn.kkiapay.me/k.js"></script>
<kkiapay-widget amount="<montant-a-preleve-chez-le-client>"
build.gradle implementation
(R.raw.logo, R.color.colorPrimary, enableSandbox =
) );
// Add kkiapay_flutter_sdk on dependencies
import 'package:kkiapay_flutter_sdk/kkiapayWebview.dart'
final kkiapay = Kkiapay(
@required sucessCallback: Function,
@required amount: String,
@required apikey: String,
sandbox: bool,
data: String,
phone: String,
name: String,
theme: dynamic
Ready-to-use modules
You don’t have to learn to code. Choose the module that suits you and start receiving your payments. If there is no module for your platform please,send us an email .
Available on all platforms :
Comment intégrer Kkiapay ?
Go to the Developers>API page and retrieve your key
Ready! You can now accept payments on your platform
Give new life to your business
Transaction monitoring
Access status of each transaction, monitor your funds collection and make refunds to your customers.
Cash flow monitoring
Simplify your cash flow monitoring and easily export data in Excel format. View the amount collected from each of the available payment methods.
Customer information overview
Review easily your customers’ details and strengthen your customer care
Receive your payments anytime
Set up your repayment frequency in your preferences and receive the collected amount in one click into your bank account or mobile money account.
Ready to receive your first payment ?
Ask our managers a question or create your Kkiapay account now