Frequently Asked Questions

Clear and precise answers to any questions you may have about Kkiapay products

If your question is not listed, feel free to ask our customer support directly.

  • to accept several payment solutions ;
  • to facilitate your financial transactions and their follow-up in full transparency;
  • to collect data for a better knowledge of the customer.

Kkiapay is available in Benin, Ivory Coast, Togo and Senegal.

The main features of Kkiapay are based on :

    • Remote or point-of-sale payment
      If you are a merchant, Kkiapay allows you, via a single interface, to get paid through a wide range of payment solutions (MTN Mobile Money, Moov Money, Celtiis Cash, Orange Money, Free Money, T-Money, Wave, Visa and Mastercard). By integrating Kkiapay into your web or mobile platform, you offer your end-customer a consistent and simple payment experience, regardless of the payment method used.


    • Transaction Tracking
      Kkiapay provides each merchant with real-time visibility on each transaction made (debit, credit, chargeback). They can be consulted at any time via our dashboard. You will be able to access the status of each transaction, monitor your cash receipts and make any refunds to your customers.


    • Cash flow monitoring
      Simplify your cash flow monitoring by easily exporting your incoming and outgoing data in detailed excel reports. At a glance, you can see the amount collected from each of the available payment methods.


    • Merchant information visualization and customer relationship management
      The Kkiapay solution gives you easy access to your merchant information, and facilitates de facto customer relationship management. You will be able to integrate statistics on payments received directly into your information system in order to improve your business.


    • Transaction Security and Fraud Management
      Kkiapay guarantees the security of your transaction data, your Kkiapay account information, and advanced fraud protection through the use of dual authentication with one-time passwords (OTP) for merchants who activate the option. Also, Kkiapay has been audited by an independent PCI Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) and we are PCI DSS 3.2 compliant as a service provider.


The Kkiapay services and modules are as follows :

    • Kkiapay – POS
      Installed on a smartphone, the feature allows a merchant to initiate a payment and collect a customer who pays via mobile money or bank card. En savoir plus


    • Kkiapay – Integration
      This is the service that allows you to add the Kkiapay plugin to your web/mobile platform to receive payments directly by mobile money and bank card. Learn more


    • Kkiapay – Direct
      This solution allows you to generate direct, customizable payment links that you can share via your favorite channels (SMS, Facebook, Whatsapp, Messenger, Instagram, etc). Learn more


  • Kkiapay – Push Up
    This solution allows making mass payments from a Kkiapay account to different mobile money wallets.

The integration of Kkiapay’s payment solutions into your mobile or web platform is totally free. Only the transaction fees are supported by the client. Find out the details of the commissions applied here. Learn more

Activating your Kkiapay account is a simple process. From the first connection to your dashboard, you are invited to activate your account by entering your company information and uploading administrative documents that prove that it is regularly recorded.

Within 24 hours, our team will verify your documents in order to activate your account to start receiving your payments remotely. It is important to note that we only accept scanned documents. The information that you you provide are reviewed internally to ensure that they comply with our services agreement. If we need more information, we will contact you immediately.

Transfers of your collected amounts are possible for a fixed fee of 0 FCFA in the case of a transfer to your Mobile Money merchant account and 7000 FCFA in the case of a transfer to your bank account. For exceptionally high transaction volumes, an adapted pricing can be discussed.

You can configure your payout preferences in the Kkiapay Payouts menu. Two (02) payout modes are available: payout by period and payout by level.

Payout by period allows you to specify how often you want to pay out your various assets. The payout frequencies are as follows :

  • Payout every 03 days ;
  • Weekly payout (once a week if the account balance allows it) ;/li>
  • Monthly payout (once a month if account balance permits) ;

You also have the option to request an instant payout if you have a Merchant Pro account.

Kkiapay is for any financial institution (microfinance, insurance), online business, online service provider or fundraising service or any lambda person who may or may not have a web or mobile platform and a registered business.

Kkiapay is the ideal solution available to you to receive your payments through a single interface. If you are a small business or a large corporation and you need to cash a customer in person or remotely, Kkiapay is for you, no matter the size of your organization.

This is unfortunately not possible. To use Kkiapay you need to have a registered company.

To use Kkiapay, your company must be registered in one of the 4 countries where Kkiapay is present, namely: Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast and Senegal.

To use Kkiapay, your company must be registered in one of the 4 countries where Kkiapay is present, namely: Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast and Senegal.

  • Pv report of the Constitutive GA ;
  • Declaration receipt of the association ;
  • The identity document of the president of the NGO.

There are many advantages. Indeed, Kkiapay allows :

  • To secure the payment via a solid KYC based on the registrations of the partner operators ;
  • To pay many people without moving or doing tedious handling of unit transfer ;
  • To receive payments directly on its website, in its mobile application or even from its Facebook purchase and sale page ;
  • Full access to reporting on repayments and integration into accounting.

Your personal and banking data will be safe since there is no storage of credit card data or during the validation of the payment via the entry of the Pin Mobile Money code by the customer and there is the possibility to cancel fraudulent transactions.

Kkiapay has a “Kkiapay POS” mobile application that lets you turn your phone into a payment terminal. The application is available on Google Play at the following address.

Kkiapay has a “Kkiapay POS” mobile application that lets you turn your phone into a payment terminal. The application is available on Google Play at the following address.

Yes, you can integrate Kkiapay to a WordPress site. Kkiapay’s WooCommerce plugin is designed to enable Kkiapay integration on your WordPress site. If you have integrated the Give plugin to receive donations, the Kkiapay Give plugin is the right one.

You have the choice when integrating Kkiapay, depending on the technology you are using, to use the plugin or the SDK we provide.

In the case of an e-commerce site created using WordPress, you will have to integrate our WordPress plugin. In the case of a web application, use the Javascript SDK, the Android SDK for a mobile application and the Flutter SDK for iOS.

Yes, you need to send an official request mail to the following address:

Kkiapay Direct is a product of payment aggregator Kkiapay that allows you to generate unique and shareable payment links. The generated links can be hosted on a website, shared on your various social networks (Facebook, Twitter and more).

The Kkiapay Direct service is a customizable payment interface that allows your target audience to make donations, pay for services or inquire about some products. To generate your first KKiaPay Direct payment link, you need to have an active Kkiapay account and go to the Kkiapay Direct menu in your dashboard.

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